Acute computerized tomographic scans: Their value in the localization of lesions and as prognostic indicators in aphasia

Twenty three patients with past or present evidence of aphasia following either stroke (n = 19) or head trauma (n = 4) were given the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination in order to classify their aphasia type and determine their language deficit at least three months postonset of their neurological disorder. The location and extent of brain lesions identified from computerized tomographic (C.T.) scans taken in the acute stage and, wherever possible, in the chronic stage (n = 7) were correlated with the type of aphasia. Lesions associated with global, Wernicke's, Broca's, conduction, and anomic aphasia are described and discussed in relation to the findings of previously reported clinico-C.T. scan correlation studies. The value of the acute stage C.T. scan as a predictor of long-term language deficits is discussed.
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