Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration with Industry in the Context of Entrepreneurial Higher Education Institutions

Abstract Higher education institutions (HEIs) are expected not only to provide research and teaching but also to be involved in a number of other activities, such as cooperating with enterprises and interpreting and explaining scientific findings to the wider public, thus contributing to the development of society. However, little attention has been paid to the relationship between knowledge exchange and collaboration and other entrepreneurial activities of HEIs. The aim of this study is to assess the links between knowledge exchange with industry and other characteristics of entrepreneurial HEIs. The HEInnovate questionnaire is used to evaluate the various characteristics of entrepreneurial HEIs in four Estonian universities. The results of the analysis show that knowledge exchange and collaboration with industry are particularly strongly linked with providing support to prospective entrepreneurs, mentoring and facilitating access to finances and business support services. There is also a strong link with entrepreneurial teaching and learning, which involves shaping entrepreneurial attitudes and skills. Jel classification: I23 Keywords: knowledge exchange, university–business cooperation, entrepreneurial higher education institution, entrepreneurial teaching and learning.
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