Oviduct during early pregnancy: Hormonal regulation and interactions with the fertilized ovum

The cyclic fluctuations in circulating levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone that occur during the menstrual or estrous cycle are responsible for dramatic, cyclic changes in the epithelial lining and secretory status of the mammalian oviduct. The timely transition in the synthesis and release of oviduct proteins, due to the ovarian steroids, and their interactions with oocytes, sperm, and the fertilized ovum underscore key biological events during gamete interactions and early embryonic cleavage. The regulation of these secretory alterations during the first few days of pregnancy is discussed with respect to the influence of the ovarian steroids, their interactions with the embryo microenvironment, and the possible ways in which they may mediate the critical reproductive events of fertilization and embryo development. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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