[Patients' satisfaction survey after tranvesical prostatectomy in the urology department of Gabriel Touré University Hospital].

AIM: This study was aimed to evaluate patients' satisfaction with tranvesical prostatectomy in the Urology department of University Hospital Gabriel Toure according to the (International Prostate Symptoms Score (IPSS) and the quality of life scores. PATIENTS ET METHODES: il s'agissait d'une etude prospective et descriptive d'une cohorte consecutive de patients operes pour adenomectomie transvesicale de la prostate realisee sur une periode de 12 mois. Les patients etaient tous evalues avant l'intervention chirurgicale et 6 semaines apres. Nous avons utilise l'IPSS comme outil d'evaluation, complete par la question sur la qualite de vie. RESULTS: One hundred and thirteen (113) patients aged 71 ± 8 years old on average were evaluated. The mean duration of symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia was 19 months and 17% of patients had a mechanical complication. All patients had either moderate or severe lower urinary tract symptoms preoperatively, while 99% of them had an IPSS score <8 postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Transvesical prostatectomy allows an important improvement of the IPSS score of the patients and their satisfaction about their quality of life.
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