Презервация лунки зуба в предимплантационном периоде: оценка эффективности применения костнопластических материалов с использованием данных конусно-лучевой компьютерной томографии

Aim . To analyse the effi ciency of osteoplastic material application in order to reduce the resorption level after tooth extraction in the preimplantation period according to the data of cone beam computed tomography. Materials and methods . The study involved 80 patients who were divided into 4 equal groups depending on the preservation material used. The fi rst group was treated with Cerabone (Botiss, Germany) xenomaterial based on natural bovine bone. Plasma enriched with PRGF growth factors obtained by the BTI Endoret (Spain) technology was used for the patients of the second group. The third group consisted of patients who underwent a socket preservation of the extracted tooth with a powdered autologous dentin matrix (ADM) obtained from their own tooth. In the fourth group, bone-plastic material based on hydroxyapatite with Collapan-L lincomycin hydrochloride (Intermedapatit, Russia) was used to prevent socket resorption. All patients had a cone beam computed tomography of the maxillofacial region before the extraction and 3 months after the preservation in order to evaluate the level of bone resorption. After the installation of dental implants, a comparative assessment of the bone resorption level in the vertical and horizontal directions before tooth extraction and in the preimplantation period was carried out. Results . The smallest level of vertical bone resorption after socket preservation was observed in group 1 (Cerabone) and group 3 (ADM). The median value of the socket resorption level in group 1 was 0.7 mm (8.54 %) in the vertical direction and 0.5 mm (9.45 %) in horizontal measurement as compared to the level of bone tissue before tooth extraction. Similar indicators were observed in the group using an autologous dentin matrix. The vertical decrease in the socket bone tissue was 0.61 mm (7.75 %), horizontal — 0.51 mm (6.2 %). The level of bone resorption was signifi cantly higher using two other materials. Conclusions . The use of three-dimensional radiation research methods allows a comprehensive assessment of the bone tissue volume to be carried out, which in turn determines the choice of the dental implant size, the need for further bone-plastic surgery to increase the width/height of the alveolar ridge. The use of cone beam computed tomography showed that the most optimal results can be obtained by introducing Cerabone material into the socket of the extracted tooth, as well as using the innovative method of preservation with the patient’s own powdered tooth (ADM).
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