Calidad de vida re lacio nada co n la s alud (CVRS ) e n la infancia y la ado le s ce ncia: re vis ió n de la biblio grafía y de lo s ins trume nto s adaptado s e n Es paña

The aims of this study were to systematically review the availability and characteristics of generic instruments of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) for use in childhood and adolescence published in the literature, and to revise generic or disease-specific measures adapted or developed for use in Spain. Questionnaires were selected if they had been developed specifically for use in children and/or adolescents. The data bases consulted were Medline, HealthSTAR and PsycLIT (1980-August 2001). Combinations of key words were used with no restriction on language. The main characteristics analyzed were the content and psychometric properties of the questionnaires retrieved. For instruments adapted for use in Spain, the quality of the adaptation process was also reviewed.
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