Medical Education During COVID-19 Pandemic – Is Revamping of Existing Curriculum Needed to Adapt to New Normal?

Medical education has undergone many changes in curriculum to suit the modern needs and newer teaching learning methods have been developed. The use of information technology has heralded a new future with the use of laparoscopy, robotic surgeries, and teleconsultations. Online classes have been started, but patient-doctor relationship was maintained at clinics. Examination formats comprised both online and offline modes. However, with advent of COVID-19, conventional classroom teaching and bedside clinics have almost vanished for fear of asymptomatic spread of infection. Online zoom classes and MCQ format questions are ruling the show. Loss of ATCOM skills among medical graduates and lack of clinical touch in patient care may adversely affect the knowledge and skill of future doctors. Virtual bodies and other simulated settings can never be alternative to real-life settings as many studies have suggested. Many studies have found online classes ruling the show though the fact cannot be over ruled that doctors need to see patients to learn treating them. Hence, more work needs to be done in the area with appropriate funding. A detailed meta-analysis by big research wings in the matter may put light on appropriate and feasible policies that can be formulated to have the best possible outcomes in these changing times. However, blanket preventive strategies need to be maintained. In this backdrop and this being the burning yet neglected issue in this crucial hour, the narrative review is attempted where opinion of educationists, clinicians, and the epidemiologists are considered and compared in anticipation of a best possible outcome Key words: COVID-19, conventional class, online classes, medical education
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