Alternative approaches to the manufacture of plant protein products from grain legumes.

A biotechnological method for the modification of grain legume meals (pea, faba bean) is proposed. The essence of this method is the inducing of biochemical processes, which occur at the germination, through the treatment of a meal with an acid protease. Modified meals can replace soybean protein isolate as meat extenders. In particular, the modification of pea meal improves the colour of combined meat products and eliminates their beany off-flavour. The concentration of six-carbon aldehydes in combined sausages is reduced after the modification of pea meal. Dans cette etude, une methode biotechnologique pour la modification de farines de legumineuses a grains (pois, feve) est proposee. Le principe de cette methode repose sur l'induction de procedes biochimiques, qui interviennent lors de la germination, et par le traitement de la farine par une protease acide. Les farines modifiees peuvent remplacer des isolats de proteines de soja en tant qu'extendeurs de produits carnes.
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