One kind of oil-absorbing polyurethane foam

The present invention relates to an oil-absorbing polyurethane foam, the material is low density and high aperture ratio semi-rigid polyurethane foam density in the range of 8 ~ 30kg / m3, the opening rate of greater than 90%, the contact angle of the surface with water greater than 75 °. The oil-absorbing material has a strong capacity to 0 # diesel oil, for example, oil absorption rate of greater than 35g / g. The material is not only able to directly absorb oil, can also absorb oil slick or oil-water mixture in the oil. The present invention also relates to a method of emergency oil spill emergencies, and when the oil spill and other unexpected events can be quickly prepared oil-absorbing polyurethane foam at the scene of the accident source containment, absorb overflow oil.
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