Rotura del ligamento deltoideo del tobillo: evaluación clínico-quirúrgica

Uniform criteria about the actions to be taken in the tearing of the ankle deltoid ligament d o no t exist. Thirt y si x patients diagnose d an d surgicall y treate d becaus e o f th e tearin g o f th e abov e mentione d ligamen t hav e bee n reviewed . Most o f th e times, this lesio n wa s accompanie d b y a fractur e o f th e peronea l maleolus. Etiology , injur y mechanism s an d results followin g Cedell's clasificatio n hav e bee n evaluate d an d th e results hav e bee n considere d goo d i n practicall y all cases. I n fou r patients, th e onl y secuel a wa s a limitatio n o f th e most extrem e grade s o f flexo-extension .
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