Carbonic anhydrase independent bicarbonate reabsorption.

The present study was designed to define the prerequisites of carbonic anhydrase independent bicarbonate reabsorption. In free flow experiments during systemic application of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor benzolamide (50 mg/kg B. W.) bicarbonate recovery in % of filtered load was found to be 74±8% in late proximal convoluted tubules, 39±6% in distal convoluted tubules and 32±4% in urine, indicating that most of carbonic anhydrase independent bicarbonate reabsorption occurs in tubule segments prior to distal convoluted tubules. In vivo continuous microperfusion experiments in proximal convoluted tubules demonstrated that luminal benzolamide (0.5 mmol/l) virtually abolishes net bicarbonate fluxes, when bicarbonate concentration in the luminal perfusate (25 mmol/l) is close to peritubular plasma concentration (24.4 mmol/l). In contrast, a significant downhill reabsorptive flux occurs, when perfusate bicarbonate concentration is 75 mmol/l and a significant downhill secretory flux is observed, when the perfusate is initially free of bicarbonate. The corresponding apparent permeabilities are 1.0±0.1·10−6 cm2/s for influx and 1.6±0.4·10−6 cm2/s for efflux of bicarbonate.
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