Maximum likelihood source localization using elpasolite crystals as a dual gamma neutron directional detector

The problem of accurately detecting extremely low levels of nuclear radiation is rapidly increasing in importance in nuclear counter-proliferation, verification, and environmental and waste management. Because the 239 Pu gamma signature may be weak, for instance, even when compared to the natural terrestrial background, coincidence counting with the 239 Pu neutron signature may improve overall 239 Pu detection sensitivity. However, systems with sufficient multiple-particle detectors require demonstration that the increased sensitivity be sufficiently high to overcome added cost and weight. We report the results of measurements and calculations to determine sensitivity that can be gained in detecting low levels of nuclear radiation from use of a relatively new detector technology based on elpasolite crystals. We have performed investigations exploring cerium (Ce 3+ )-doped elpasolites C s2 LiYCl 6 :Ce 3+ 0.5% (CLYC) and C s2 LiLa(Br 6 ) 90% (Cl 6 ) 10% :Ce 3+ 0.5% (CLLBC:Ce). These materials can provide energy resolution (r(E) = 2.35σ(E)/E) as good as 2.9% at 662 keV (FWHM). The crystals show an excellent neutron and gamma radiation response. The goals of the investigation were to set up the neutron/gamma pulse shape discrimination electronics for elpasolite detectors; perform limited static source benchmarking, testing, and evaluation to validate system performance; and explore application of a maximum likelihood algorithm for source location. Data were measured and processed through a maximum likelihood estimation algorithm, providing a direction to the radioactive source for each individual position. The estimated directions were good representations for the actual directions to the radioactive source. This paper summarizes the maximum likelihood results for our elpasolite system.
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