Lithium abundances of solar-type stars in open clusters.

This paper discusses the lithium abundances of late-F through mid-F dwarfs in the nearby open clusters. That means that I am considering young disk stars, of course, with metallicities similar to the Sun’s. I will not discuss the chasm seen among mid-F dwarfs. Li is not easily studied because only one spectroscopic feature is available and that feature is often weak. Thus high spectroscopic resolution and good signal to noise are needed. But Li is still the most easily studied of the light-element pentateuch (D, He, Li, Be, B). The few clusters now accessible to large telescopes at high spectroscopic resolution include the Hyades, Pleiades, a Persei, as well as smaller samples in a few others (such as Coma, M67, NGC 752, the Ursa Major Group). The samples within clusters are often substantial, and allow one to examine differences in Li between stars of the same mass, age, and composition. However the total number of clusters observed is still small, so one must assume that each cluster is fully representative for its age and composition. Much recent work on Li in stars has been for Population II objects because of the importance of Li for cosmology. We study Li in Pop I stars for three reasons: First, to understand how the Galaxy has come to be enriched in Li since the Pop II stars formed. Second, to understand the stellar physics behind Li depletion in Pop I stars as a means to understanding what happens in the outer layers of such a star over time. Third, to apply that understanding of the stellar physics to Pop II stars so we can correctly infer the Big Bang Li abundance.
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