Best Practices in Accelerated Construction Techniques

This scan focused on construction operations and management practices to accelerate the delivery of construction projects. Visiting five states from the East to West Coasts, the scan team sought information from DOT staff and contractors on practices that accelerate project construction. The team visited with transportation leaders in: 1. Jacksonville and Pensacola, Florida; 2. Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama; 3. Houston, Texas; 4. Salt Lake City, Utah; and 5. Sacramento and Oakland, California. Transportation agency representatives, contractors, suppliers, and engineering consultants having accelerated project experience shared their viewpoints and knowledge at meetings with the scan team. The team then evaluated these practices for their potential application by other transportation agencies. The team found that, for every project examined, the primary factor leading to success was a spirited effort of partnership and collaboration between the DOT and the contractor, together with a supportive design and/or design process.
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