Immunologic methods for quantitative estimation of small peptides and their application to bradykinin

Abstract A simple strategy was developed for the immunologic quantitative determination of small, biologically active peptides utilizing bradykinin (BK) as the model peptide prototype. Methods were developed for the preparation of a peptide-carrier complex suitable for immunization and for immobilization of peptides onto the plastic surface of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) plates. An avidin-bound biotinylated peptide complex was used for raising peptide antibodies with high titers (1:4000) in the rabbit. The peptide BK was coupled to synthetic polymeric carriers poly- d -lysine (PL) and poly-D-lysine-succinylated (PLS) via the BK carboxy and amino terminus, respectively, with the aid of a water soluble carbodiimide. These carriers with antigen peptide side chains as well as avidin-biotinyl-peptide complexes were efficient surface immobilizing reagents for microwell plastic plates used in the detection of kinins by ELISA. Monoclonal antibodies reacted competitively with kinins in plates coated with either PL-BK or PLS-BK. In contrast, rabbit (polyclonal) antibodies reacted specifically in the plates coated with PLS-BK but only a non-specific reaction could be obtained with the PL-BK coated plates (i.e., could not be displaced with BK). Based on results using synthetic BK analogues, the carboxy terminal half of the BK molecule appears to be the stronger antigenic determinent in both mouse and rabbit systems. The polyclonal antibodies demonstrated a greater affinity to bradykinin compared to the monoclonal antibodies. Their use improved the sensitivity of the ELISA for kinin determination by one order of magnitude. Kinin levels determined in plasma tryptic digests by ELISA with the polyclonal antibodies and PLS-BK system were in agreement with published values.
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