Mikrobióta-diverzitás tanulmány fás növényeken, különös tekintettel a 'decline' folyamatokban részes nekrotróf parazita fajokra = Mycrobiota studies of trees with special attention to the parasitic, necrotropic species involved in decline processes.
29 gazdanovenyről gyűjtott izolatum vizsgalata alapjan 8 gazdanovenyen Magyarorszagra vonatkozoan uj Phomopsis faj előfordulasat allapitottunk meg. Ot uj, lisztharmatgombak okozta betegseget azonositottunk, irtunk le: 1. Sphaerotheca pannosa jelentős fellepese meggyfajtakon. 2. Erysiphe carpinicola jelentős, jarvanyos fellepese Carpinus betuluson. 3. Erysiphe elevata jarvanyos fellepese Catalpa bignonioidesen 4. Erysiphe flexuosa jarvanyos fellepese Aesculus hippocastanumon es mas Aesculus fajokon. 5. Erysiphe palczewskii jarvanyos fellepese Caragana arborescensen. Egyeb uj gombak, betegsegek es jarvanyok azonositasa, korokozok azonositasa: A fagyal (Ligustrum vulgare) Colletotrichum gloeosporioides okozta antraknozisanak fellepese Magyarorszagon, a betegseg es korokozojanak azonositasa. Taphrina pruni dergomba okozta jarvany Prunus cerasifera var. Nigran: első hazai megallapitas. Ket stresszpatogen Botryosphaeria faj: B. dothidea es B. ribis es anamorfjainak első hazai azonositasa, gazdanovenyeik első kimutatasa, fas novenyek leromlasos betegsegeiben jatszott szerepuk tisztazasa. Uj korokozo: Myriellina cydoniae fellepesenek kimutatasa Cydonia oblongan: első hazai megallapitas. Nekrotrof, stressz-patogen gombak azonositasa es okologiai-patologiai szerepuk tisztazasa Sophora japonican. Nekrotrof Cytospora fajok: C. leucostoma, . C. leucosperma előfordulasanak kimutatasa tobb uj gazdanovenyen. Uj mikoparazita gomba: Stagonospora sp. leirasa nekrotrof Botryosphaeria fajrol. | Main results of the mycological and pathological studies are as follows: Collection of isolates of Phomopsis spp. from 29 host plant species. Characterisation of species has been done on the base of etiological, morphological, cultural and molecular studies. Phomopsis spp. identified on 8 host plants are new data in Hungary. Identification and description of two new stress-pathogenic Botryosphaeria spp. in Hungary: B. dothidea and B. ribis, and identification their host plants. Descriptions of 5 new powdery mildew diseases and their causal fungi in Hungary. Two of them are new data for Europe. (Sphaerotheca pannosa on sour cherry; Erysiphe carpinicola on Carpinus betulus; Erysiphe elevata on Catalpa bignonioides; Erysiphe flexuosa on Aesculus hippocastanum, A. carnea, A. pavia and A. glabra; Erysiphe palczewskii on Caragana arborescens. Descriptions of other new diseases in Hungary: privet anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides; Epidemics on Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' caused by Taphrina pruni; Leaf spot disease of quince caused by Myriellina cydoniae; identification and description of necrotrophic fungi on Sophora japonica; description of some new cases and woody host plants of Cytospora spp. Description of a new mycoparasitic species: Stagonospora sp. on Botryosphaeria stevensii.
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