Sielkundige aspekte van verbruikersentiment

Psychological aspects of consumer sentiment. The basic premise of the study was that consumer sentiment relates, inter alia, to qualitative differences in economic perceptions and the subjective quality of life. The nature of consumer sentiment in relatively good and bad times was examined and some qualitative variables were regressed on consumer sentiment. The Results tend to support the stated research hypotheses. Locus of control is tentatively suggested as an explanatory principle. Opsomming Die basiese uitgangspunt van die studie was dat verbruikersentiment onder meer verband hou met kwalitatiewe verskille in ekonomiese persepsies en subjektiewe lewenskwaliteit. Die aard van verbruikersentiment in relatief goeie en swak tye is ondersoek en enkele kwalitatiewe veranderlikes aan regressie-ontleding onderwerp om verbruikersentiment te voorspel. Die resultate dui op steun vir die gestelde navorsingshipoteses. Lokus van beheer word tentatief as 'n verklaringsbeginsel aan die hand gedoen.
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