Survivable Routing inWDM Weighted Networks

Inthis paper, weinvestigate theproblem ofroutingthefailure ofevenasingle fiber canlead tothefailure of lightpaths onanarbitrary physical topology following a multiple lightpaths inthevirtual topology. Thisinturn Design Protection approach, suchthatvirtual topologycandisconnect thevirtual topology andprohibits the remains connected evenafter thefailure ofa single fiber optical layer routing. Design protection hascomeinto the link. Thisiscalled survivable routing. Itisknowntobean picture toprovide aprotected network atthedesign phase NP-complete problem. To address theproblem, first, we itself before actually deployment ofthenetwork, suchthat haveproved that embedded Hamiltonian circuit inamesh theviretually derlget disconneteduch the network isa mustforitssurvivability. Thenusinga thevirtual topology nevergetsdisconnected underthe polynomial timealgorithm forgenerating Hamiltonianfiber-link failure. Thisproblem iscalled Survivable circuit i.e. embedded ringvirtual topology, weestablishRouting ofalogical topology onthephysical topology. In lightpaths tothering. Finally, we design twoRWA this paper, weaddress this problem suchthat thevirtual algorithms toassign lightpaths toother requests inthe topology remains connected evenafter thefailure ofa network, giving priority to wavelength and trafficsingle fiber link. Thesurvivability routing problem is respectively. We analyze thenumerical results obtained for decomposed into foursub-problems (4)(5): randomundirected networks withrandomnormaltraffic demandswithperformance metrics suchasmaximumone- survivable topology di - detemn the hopandminimummulti-hop protected traffic, wavelength survivable virtual topology tobeimposed onthe utilization, number ofmulti-hops, Buffer size etc. physical topology based onthetraffic demands. * Virtual Topology Routing -computes aphysical Keywords-Physical topology, lightpath, virtual topology, pathforeachlogical link inthevirtual topology. WDM,survivable routing, hamiltonian circuit, Routing and * Wavelength Assignment -deals withassigning a Wavelength Assignment (RWA). ~~~~~* TraJfflic Routing - computes a virtual pathto
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