Enhanced biosynthetically directed fractional carbon-13 enrichment of proteins for backbone NMR assignments

Abstract Routes to carbon-13 enrichment of bacterially expressed proteins include achieving uniform or positionally selective (e.g. ILV-Me, or 13 C′, etc.) enrichment. We consider the potential for biosynthetically directed fractional enrichment (e.g. carbon-13 incorporation in the protein less than 100%) for performing routine n-(D)dimensional NMR spectroscopy of proteins. First, we demonstrate an approach to fractional isotope addition where the initial growth media containing natural abundance glucose is replenished at induction with a small amount (e.g. 10% w/w u - 13 C-glucose) of enriched nutrient. The approach considered here is to add 10% (e.g. 200 mg for a 2 g/L culture) u - 13 C-glucose at the induction time (OD 600  = 0.8), resulting in a protein with enhanced 13 C incorporation that gives almost the same NMR signal levels as an exact 20% 13 C sample. Second, whereas fractional enrichment is used for obtaining stereospecific methyl assignments, we find that 13 C incorporation levels no greater than 20% w/w yield 13 C and 13 C– 13 C spin pair incorporation sufficient to conduct typical 3D-bioNMR backbone experiments on moderate instrumentation (600 MHz, RT probe). Typical 3D-bioNMR experiments of a fractionally enriched protein yield expected backbone connectivities, and did not show amino acid biases in this work, with one exception. When adding 10% u - 13 C glucose to expression media at induction, there is poor preservation of 13 C α – 13 C β spin pairs in the amino acids ILV, leading to the absence of C β signals in HNCACB spectra for ILV, a potentially useful editing effect. Enhanced fractional carbon-13 enrichment provides lower-cost routes to high throughput protein NMR studies, and makes modern protein NMR more cost-accessible.
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