D ynam icalM odelofC oherent Pion Production in N eutrino-N ucleus Scattering

W e study coherentpion production in neutrino-nucleusscattering in theenergy region relevant to neutrino oscillation experim ents ofcurrent interest. Our approach is based on a com bined use ofthe Sato-Lee m odelofelectroweak pion production on a nucleon and the �-hole m odel ofpion-nucleusreactions. Thuswe develop a m odelwhich describespion-nucleusscattering and electroweak coherent pion production in a unied m anner. Num ericalcalculations are carried out for the case ofthe 12 C target. Allthe free param eters in our m odelarexed bytting to both totaland elastic dierentialcrosssections for � 12 C scattering. Then we dem onstrate the reliability ofourapproach by confronting ourprediction forthe coherentpion photo-productions with data.Finally,wecalculate totaland dierentialcrosssectionsforneutrino-induced coherent pion production,and som e ofthe results are (willbe) com pared with the recent (forthcom ing) data from K2K,SciBooNE and M iniBooNE.W e also study eect ofthe non-locality ofthe �- propagation in the nucleus,and com pare theelem entary am plitudesused in dierentm icroscopic calculations.
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