Observations with captopril (Tensiomin) treatment in hypertensive patients (one-year period).

: In the treatment of patients suffering from therapy-resistant hypertension the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril seems to be one of the most promising drugs of the past decade. The authors examined and followed the effect of captopril (Tensiomin) for one year in 13 severe therapy-resistant hypertensive patients. The average arterial blood pressure of 12 patients suffering from essential hypertension and 1 patient with renal hypertension was, before the introduction of captopril therapy, 215/120 mmHg (SD +/- 23/18). At the end of the one-year examination period the average blood pressure was 186/111 mmHg (SD +/- 25/19). The acute effect of captopril was found to be very favourable, and the required blood pressure fall could be obtained during its long-term use even in cases of renal failure. Except for one case multiple combination therapy had to be applied in all patients for the moderation of blood pressure (in 5 cases 4, in 2 cases 5, in 1 case 6 drugs). The long-term use of the drug did not influence notably the serum potassium-carbamide-creatinine and SGOT values or the white blood cell count. On the basis of their results the authors emphasize that the therapeutic effectivity of captopril monotherapy is not sufficient in severe therapy-resistant hypertension cases, its adjuvant action may be expected in drug combinations. With daily doses lower than 200 mg demonstrable side-effects did not occur.
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