Dosimetric Adjustments for Interspecies Extrapolation of Inhaled Poorly Soluble Particles (PSP)

AbstractDirect calculation of delivered dose in the species of interest potentially affects the magnitude of an uncertainty factor needed to address extrapolation of laboratory animal data to equivalent human exposure scenarios, thereby improving the accuracy of human health risk estimates. Development of an inhalation reference concentration (RfC) typically involves extrapolation of an effect level observed in a laboratory animal exposure study to a level of exposure in humans that is not expected to result in an appreciable health risk. The default dose metric used for respiratory effects is the average deposited dose normalized by regional surface area. However, the most relevant dose metric is generally one that is most closely associated with the mode of action leading to the response. Critical factors in determining the best dose metric to characterize the dose-response relationship include the following: the nature of the biological response being examined; the magnitude, duration, and frequency of...
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