Karaciğerin nadir görülen primer tümörü: Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma

Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma ilk olarak 1982 yilinda Weiss ve Enzinger tarafindan tarif edilmistir. Damarsal yapilardan koken alan, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasinda orta derecede maligniteye sahip olan nadir bir tumordur. Hepatik epiteloid hemanjiyo endotelyoma asemptomatik olup tani cogunlukla rastlantisal olarak yapilan goruntulemeler sonucunda konulur. Nonspesifik karin agrisi nedeniyle yapilan tetkikler sonucunda hepatik epiteloid hemanjiyoendotelyoma tanisi koyarak cerrahi tedavi uyguladigimiz olgumuzu sunmayi ve literatur esliginde tartismayi amacladik. Epithelial hemangioendothelioma: A rare primary tumor of liver Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma was first described by Weiss and Enzinger in 1982. It is a rare tumor of vascular origin and its malignant potential ranges between benign hemangioma and obviously malignant hemangio-endotheliosarcoma. Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is an asemptomatic tumor and mostly diagnosed with spontaneous imaging. We present a patient who was investigated for nonspesific abdominal pain and the diagnosis confirmed hepatic epithelioid hemangio-endothelioma and performed surgery was performed.
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