Two Years Study of Work Place Deaths Autopsied in Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, Chennai

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To find out the most common cause of death encountered in occupation – related deaths. 2. To find out the most common age group involved in occupation related deaths. 3. To find out the most predominant sex involved in occupation related deaths. 4. To find out the risk factors in occupation – related deaths. 5. To find out the manner of death. METHODOLOGY: The present work is a cross-sectional & descriptive study of occupational deaths autopsies conducted in the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Govt. Kilpauk Medical College & Hospital between January 2016 and December 2017. RESULTS: Maximum deaths occurred in the age group of 21-30 years (35 Cases) Which constitutes 28% among the total deaths followed by age group between 41-50 Years (29) Cases which constitutes to 23.1% of the total , Most predominant sex affected is Males (112 Cases) which constitutes 88.9% of the total deaths. Most Predominant religion belongs to Hindu Religion (107 Cases) which constitutes 85% of the total deaths followed by Christian (8 Cases) and Muslim (8 Cases) religion which constitutes 6% each of the total deaths, Regarding Marital Status number of deaths was observed more in married a person (75 Cases) who constitutes 59.5% of the total deaths. Regarding Socio Economic Status. Higher number of deaths were observed in Lower Class (106 Cases) which constitutes 84.1% among the total deaths followed by Lower Middle Class (15 Cases) which constitutes 11.9% of the total deaths, Number of brought dead cases (80 Cases) was higher which constitutes to 63.5% of the total deaths and treated cases were (46 Cases) which constitutes 36.55 of the total deaths. Pertained to period of survival 13 deaths occurred in 6-12 hours which constitutes 28.2 % of the total death followed by 10 deaths in 12-24 hors which constitutes 21.7% of the total deaths, Most of the deaths occurred during 12.01 P.M to 6.00 P.M (56 Cases) which constitutes 44.44% of total deaths followed by 6.01 A.M to 12.00 P.M (29 Cases) which constitutes 23.02% of the total deaths. Most of the deaths occurred in summer season (63 Cases) which constitutes 50% of the total deaths followed by rainy (24 Cases) which constitutes 19% of the total deaths. Most of the deaths were observed in skilled labourers (hard working) (26 Cases) which constitutes 20.8% of the total deaths followed by Cooly (25 Cases) which constitutes 19.4% of the total deaths, Regarding the method of occurrence more number of deaths were seen in electric shock (46 Cases) which constitutes 36.6% of the total deaths followed by match stick factory accidental burns (37 Cases) Which constitutes 29.2% of the total deaths. Regarding Time Since Death less than 6 hours was high (48 Cases) which constitutes 38.1% of the total deaths followed by 12-24 hours (36 Cases) which constitutes 28.5 % of the total deaths. Regarding the Cause of Death Shock and Haemorrhage due to multiple injuries sustained (33 Cases) was high which constitutes 26.1% of the total deaths followed by septicaemic shock (32 Cases) which constitutes 25.3% of the total deaths, Regarding the manner of death (122 Cases) were accidental deaths which constitutes 96.8% of total deaths followed by natural deaths (3 Cases) which constitutes 2.4% of the total deaths. followed by septicaemic shock (32 Cases) which constitutes 25.3% of the total deaths.
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