MSLB事故对主控制室剂量影响研究 Study on the Influence of MSLB Accident on Main Control Room Dose

本文深入的阐述了AP1000主蒸汽管道破裂事故(MSLB)剂量分析基本方法,介绍了一回路、二回路初始放射性释放及碘尖峰释放三种方式的源项计算模型。以AP1000滨海厂址为例,分别评估了MSLB事故后应急可居留系统(VES)模式和非放射性通风系统(VBS)新风过滤模式投入情况下主控制室(MCR)内工作人员的剂量,其剂量结果均可满足HAD 002/01-2010限值要求,事故后主控制室具有良好的可居留性。同时,针对VES投入情况下主控制室剂量影响参数,开展了详细的敏感性分析。研究结果表明,二回路初始存在的碘及碱金属对剂量贡献最大;MCR剂量主要来自于0.052~4 h时间段,由VBS正常通风引入的放射性所产生;破损SG喷放时间、VES模式开始时间、MCR内循环风量为剂量敏感参数,MCR内渗透率、辅助风机风量为剂量不敏感参数。相关研究结论可为优化主控制室设计提供必要的理论参考。 In this paper, main steam line break (MSLB) accident dose assessment method on AP1000 is ela-borated, and three types of radiation source term analysis models are expounded, involving the primary coolant initial activity release, secondary coolant initial activity release and iodine spike release. Based on the AP1000 coastal site, the main control room (MCR) personal doses are eva-luated, during operation of emergency habitability system (VES) mode and nuclear island nonra-dioactive ventilation system (VBS) supplemental air filtration mode, respectively. All the above results can meet the requirement of HAD 002/01-2010, and the main control room has good habi-tability. Meanwhile, detailed parameter sensitivity analysis is performed for MCR dose based on VES mode. Research results have shown that the initial secondary iodine and alkali metals release makes the largest contribution to MCR dose, and the MCR dose mainly results from the VBS normal operation mode activity introduction during the period of 0.052~4 h. The blowdown period of SG, beginning time of VES mode, and recirculation flow are the sensitive parameters to MCR dose, but the in-leakage rate and auxiliary fan flow are insensitive parameters. These research conclusions could provide necessary theory reference to MCR design optimization.
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