Fibers glass induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity

: Man-made vitrous fibers, have been widely used as a substitute for asbestos, as an insulation material. However the fibrous morphology of MMVFs raises concern about potential health hazard. The aim of our study was to assess cytotoxic and genotoxic effects induced on a human alveolar cell line A549 by exposure to glass wool fibers (GW). Cells were exposed for 72 h to 5, 50, 100 microg/ml of glass wool, after incubation the cell viability was determined by a MTT reduction assay. The genotoxic effect was studies by Comet test. An undamaged cell appeared as a nucleoid and a cell with damaged DNA as a comet. Measurement of Comet parameters: % DNA in the tail, tail length and tail momente (the product of relative tail intensity and lenght, that provides a parameter of DNA damage) were obtained from the analysis. A MTT assay indicated that glass wool caused a decrease in cell viability and this decrease was concentration-dependent. The results of the Comet test for DNA damage detection indicated in cell exposed to glass wool fibers a significant increase of mean TM value. All these results provide that the glass wool fibers can induce cytotoxicity and genotoxicity
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