Next Generation Aqueous Flow Battery Chemistries

Abstract The battery industry is seeking solutions for large-scale energy storage that are affordable, durable and safe. Aqueous redox flow batteries (RFBs) have the inherent properties to meet these requirements. While much has been learned over the past decade on the properties of redox materials, the focus of next generation systems must be primarily on lowering redox material cost and increasing durability. In this context, in addition to inexpensive materials such as iron salts, redox couples based on small organic molecules have shown significant promise. A considerable level of understanding has been gained on the factors affecting the durability of aqueous RFB systems, specifically relating to molecular stability and crossover. New molecular classes, substituent strategies, and cell configurations have been identified to enhance the durability of systems in the future. Next generation systems will also need to focus on designing molecules for achieving high energy efficiency and power density as well. Further, the application of computational methods for screening of chemical stability could accelerate discovery of new molecular architectures.
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