Caracterización morfológica de microorganismos, físico-química del suelo y arvenses presentes en el hábitat de crecimiento del mortiño (vaccinium floribundum Kunth) en el páramo del volcán Rumiñahui, Pichincha

This study was conducted in the highland of the Ruminahui volcano, San Francisco Mariscal neighborhood, canton Mejia, Pichincha, at 3600 m.a.s.l, which aimed to characterize the physicochemical properties and the microorganism present in soil and the amount of plants that grow in the same habitat as mortino (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth). Six quadrants where randomly selected, to analyze the variables presence of microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) and physicochemical characteristics in soil and abundance of the main plants. The recorded data were evaluated by analysis of variance, principal components, cluster analysis and descriptive statistics. The study allows to conclude that the mortino develops in sandy loam soils, their abundance is positively related to high concentrations of phosphorus, copper and iron, and there is an indirect relationship with zinc, magnesium, manganese, calcium, organic matter concentrations and electric conductivity. Plants that were abundant including mortino, were herbaceous species with low height. Pernettya prostrata (Cav.) DC, which belongs to the same family of mortino, and monocots species were abundant and predominant in areas with small number of mortino plants, possibly creating competition. Trichoderma sp., beneficial organism, was present in all quadrants, while Bacillus sp. showed higher cfu/g on the ground floor where there was little mortino, and not differentiating cfu/g where plentiful quantities mortino, allowing infer that possibly this bacteria is in the rhizosphere of species that compete with mortino. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation for Estacion Experimental Santa Catalina INIAP, Tumbaco AGROCALIDAD and Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE) for allowing me to use their the facilities.
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