Gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos: Relato de caso

The increase in the generation of solid waste, especially disposable materials, is a global concern. Seeking to alleviate the problem, at the national level, in 2010 Brazil instituted Law No. 12,305 - National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), regulated by Decree No. 7,404 / 10, which has important instruments to allow progress in the context of the destination of solid waste. In this sense, this work aimed to characterize the Association of Recyclable Material Collectors of the Municipality of Muqui / ES (ASCAMAREM) and also the result of its activities. To this end, a bibliographic research was carried out on the subject, visits in loco and at the Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture and Environment. The collection of recyclable materials is carried out in all neighborhoods of the city by waste pickers associated with the support of the municipal government and by individual waste pickers. The results showed that a small percentage, on average 3.0%, of all waste produced in the municipality in 2019 was sorted by the Association, with cardboard being the most representative waste. It was observed that the association has enormous growth potential if simple measures are put into practice in a more forceful way, such as the separation of waste by residents. ASCAMAREM's work is of fundamental importance for the municipality of Muqui, mainly in the environment, due to the amount of materials that are reused, instead of being delivered to the landfill. Thus, contributing to a longer useful life of the landfill, in addition to reducing environmental pollution caused by garbage and the extraction of natural resources. In order to be more effective in recycling the waste produced in the municipality of Muqui, it is necessary to create a broad environmental education program in the municipality.
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