Discursos del alumnado de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Sevilla vinculados con el género

espanolLa formacion en genero en el ambito de los estudios universitarios ha demostrado ser no solo necesaria si no un indicativo de calidad. Esta investigacion se centra en el analisis del aprendizaje y la ensenanza en materia de genero en la Facultad de Enfermeria, Fisioterapia y Podologia y sus centros adscritos de la Universidad de Sevilla. Se ha realizado un estudio con metodologia cualitativa basado en la Teoria Fundamentada, en el que se han examinado los discursos del alumnado vinculados con el genero. Los alumnos y alumnas que habian cursado la asignatura “Genero y Salud” en Enfermeria, entendian el genero como un constructo cultural; el alumnado de Fisioterapia y Podologia confundian sexo y genero. En cuanto a su primer contacto con el genero manifiestan que ha sido en la Universidad. La formacion en genero es una categoria transversal que produce un cuestionamiento personal, una deconstruccion social con una fundamentacion teorica. Gender training in the field of university studies has proved to be not only necessary but also an indication of quality. This research focuses on the analysis of learning and teaching on gender in the Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry and its affiliated centers of the University of Seville. A study with qualitative methodology based on Grounded Theory has been carried out, in which discourses of students linked to gender have been examined. The students who had studied the subject "Gender and Health" in Nursing, understood gender as a cultural construct; Physiotherapy and Podology students confused sex and gender. Regarding his first contact with the genre, they state that he has been at the University. Gender training is a transversal category that produces a personal questioning, a social deconstruction with a theoretical foundation. EnglishGender training in the field of university studies has proved to be not only necessary but also an indication of quality. This research focuses on the analysis of learning and teaching on gender in the Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry and its affiliated centers of the University of Seville. A study with qualitative methodology based on Grounded Theory has been carried out, in which discourses of students linked to gender have been examined. The students who had studied the subject "Gender and Health" in Nursing, understood gender as a cultural construct; Physiotherapy and Podology students confused sex and gender. Regarding his first contact with the genre, they state that he has been at the University. Gender training is a transversal category that produces a personal questioning, a social deconstruction with a theoretical foundation.
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