A new approach to automated incubation recess detection using temperature loggers

ABSTRACT Nest attendance during incubation is an important facet of avian nesting behavior, and understanding the number, timing, and duration of incubation recesses can improve our understanding of the factors determining avian reproductive success. Temperature loggers are a low-cost, noninvasive method for studying nest attendance, but processing and interpreting the data present logistical challenges for investigators. We developed an accurate automated method for processing data from temperature loggers to identify incubation recesses. This automated method combines absolute changes in nest temperature over time and changes relative to daily nest-specific variation in temperature to identify incubation recesses. We validated this method through comparison with recesses observed during continuous infrared video monitoring of 3 Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and 7 Gadwall (Mareca strepera) nests in northern California, USA. Of 116 recesses observed on camera, we detected 102 (88%) with automated recess de...
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