Teaching of anatomy in a problem-based curriculum at the Arabian Gulf University: The new face of the museum

The College of Medicine and Medical Sciences of the Arabian Gulf University has an undergraduate medical curriculum that uses problem-based learning as the principal teaching strategy. Teaching of anatomy comes at various places in the curriculum, and the anatomy museum serves as an important resource and engages the students in self-directed learning. Although the museum had sufficient resource materials, the emphasis on individualized instruction and self-directed learning in anatomy has resulted in the need for an effective approach and a reorganization of the facilities in the museum. Thus, we recently rearranged the museum to create 42 modules or stations (learning carrels) focusing on specific organ systems for self-study by students. Computer-assisted programs, videocassettes, ultrasound, and structured living anatomy sessions in the clinical professional skills program facilitated such an arrangement. An increased utilization by the students was observed in the reorganized museum. Thus, the museum can play an effective role in the study of anatomy through problem-based integrated learning modules. Clin. Anat. 16:256–261, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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