P u rpose : is t o f o r m a comp r e h e n s ive v iew o f e co n om ic legal a w a r e n e ss a s t h e mo s t important f ac t o r in t h e p r og r e ss ive d e v e lopment o f t h e domestic economy and the pledge of the further construction of the rule of law in Russia. M e t h o d s : t h e r e s e a r c h is ba s e d o n t h e p r inciples o f s y s t e m ic, t h e o r e t ical-cognitive, institutional, instrumental a n d interdisciplinary app r oac h e s , on the idea of the correlation and interaction of subjective and objective factors in social processes accepted in social science, with relative independence of the subject. Which is devoted to the following tasks: To characterize the legal awareness as a phenomenon and disclose the content of economic legal awareness; To investigate the interaction of the economic legal awareness of modern Russians with regard to the economic task of raising real incomes of citizens; To uncover the legal consciousness of modern Russian business, as the main actor of solving the problem of the Russian Federation becoming one of the five largest economies in the world; To outline the parameters of the influence of economic legal awareness on the creation of a high-performance export-oriented sector in the basic sectors of the economy, developing on the basis of modern technologies and provided with highly qualified personnel. Re s u l t s : e co n o m ic legal a w a r e n e s s s h ou l d b e u n d e r s t oo d a s a p r o c e s s a n d r e s u l t o f t h e individual's c omp r e h e n s io n a n d e va luation o f h is legal position in the economy. It is personal and socially conditioned. The state economic policy of Russia has applied specifics, which puts barriers on the way of intensive economic development. The modern Russian in most cases is economically active only for earning, for which he is ready to get a good education and work hard. At the same time, it easily enough goes on minor violations of the law, such as work, without registration for a h igher sa lary o r obt aining a lo an, w hich certainly wil l n ot be returned i n f ull. At the sa me time, Russian bus iness, basically, works in the legal field. Сonclusions and relevance: it can be stated that the economic legal awareness of Russians, like the legal awareness in general, is situational in nature, where the individual's desires, needs and interests become a yardstick, for the implementation of which he is ready to violate the law. Overcome this situation can only complex and systematic activity of government bodies, institutions of civil society and the Russian society to solve the economic problems of progressive development facing it, including through legal education and enlightenment.
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