Legacy modeling and range prediction comparison: NV-IPM versus SSCamIP and NVTherm

NVESDs new integrated sensor performance model, NV-IPM, replaces the discrete spectral band models that preceded it (NVTherm, SSCamIP, etc.). Many advanced modeling functions are now more readily available, easier to implement, and integrated within a single model architecture. For the legacy model user with ongoing modeling duties, however, the conversion of legacy decks to NV-IPM is of more immediate concern than mastering the many “power features” now available. This paper addresses the processes for the legacy model user to make a smooth transition to NV-IPM, including the conversion of legacy sensor decks to NV-IPM format decks, differences in parameters entered in the new versus old model, and a comparison of the predicted performance differences between NV-IPM and legacy models. Examples are presented to demonstrate the ease of sensor deck conversion from legacy models and to highlight enhanced model capabilities available with minimal transition effort.
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