Blockchain-Enabled Fish Provenance and Quality Tracking System

Accurate assessment of fish quality is difficult in practice due to the lack of trusted fish provenance and quality tracking information. Working with Sydney Fish Market (SFM), we develop a Blockchain-enabled Fish provenance And Quality Tracking (BeFAQT) system. A multi-layer Blockchain architecture based on Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is proposed to tackle the privacy issue caused by applying Blockchain to secure supply chain data and achieve trusted and confidential data sharing among parties in fish supply chains. An Internet of Things (IoT) chain saves encrypted fish provenance and quality tracking data, and an ABE chain is specifically designed for the access control to the data in the IoT chain. Latest IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, including NarrowBand-IoT, image processing, and bio-sensing, are developed for fish origin proof, supply chain tracking, and objective fish quality assessment. As proven by field trials with SFM and a local fish supply chain, the BeFAQT is able to provide trusted and comprehensive fish provenance and quality tracking information in real-time.
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