The results with cytological screening by cytotechnologists in gastric cytodiagnosis

An approach has been being made in our laboratory to bring up the skilled cytotechnologist for the cytological screening such as staining, microscopical examination etc. The results prese nted here are those obtained by these technologists trained in our laboratory for past 3years since October, 1963. With these results it may be emphasized that failures in detection of malignant cells were relatively few in either cases with May Grunwald Giemsa staining, Papanicolaou staining or Acridine-Orange Fluorecence method.Through experience of about 300cases the technical skill in performing the cytological screening will be raised up to rest on a stabilized level with fewer failures in detecting the malignant cells.The particular good results obtained by the Giemsa method seems to be due to that the screening with method is made as the standard in our daily work, the accustomed skill with this method in microscopical examination of the cell has brought such a good merit.In the present situation having no specific method for staining cancer cells, it is believed by the authors that to be accustomed with the picture of cells stained with any one of these methods will lead the cytotechnologist to the level-up of their capacity of obtaining correctresults in screening malignant cells. The gastric cytodiagnosis will spread more widely when is adopted such a system as bringing up cytotech nologist to engage in screening cells, and the atypical cells thus checked are put forward to the specialist of cytodiagnosis, who re-examine them for the final evaluation of diagnosis.
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