Retraction Note: Fatal factitious Cushing syndrome (Münchhausen’s syndrome) in a patient with macroprolactinoma and silent corticotrophinoma: case report and literature review

References 1. Minanni CA, De Almeida Cardoso AL, de Albuquerque Albuquerque EV, Pinto Brito L, Lima Lopes LM, Glezer A, Del Rosario Ugarte Verduguez E, Bilharinho De Mendonca B, Bronstein MD, Machado MC, Fragoso MCBV. Fatal factitious Cushing syndrome (Munchhausen’s syndrome) in a patient with macroprolactinoma and silent corticotrophinoma: case report and literature review. Clin Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015;1:3. 2. Minanni CA, Cardoso ALA, Albuquerque EVA, Lopes LML, Glezer A, Verduguez ERU, Gallucci-neto J, Gattaz WF, Mendonca BB, Bronstein MD, Machado MC, Fragoso MCBV. Fatal factitious Cushing’s syndrome (Munchhausen’s syndrome) in a patient with a prolactinoma and silent corticotrophinoma: case report and literature review. J Women’s Health Care. 2014;3:162. • We accept pre-submission inquiries • Our selector tool helps you to find the most relevant journal • We provide round the clock customer support • Convenient online submission • Thorough peer review • Inclusion in PubMed and all major indexing services • Maximum visibility for your research
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