Experience of the application of a database of generic Features, Events and Processes (FEPs) targeted at geological storage of CO2

Abstract This paper reviews the application of a freely accessible on-line database of generic Features, Events and Processes (FEPs), designed to support the analysis of geological CO 2 storage systems during performance assessments. The Generic CO 2 FEP Database was established by Quintessa in 2004 through international collaboration under the auspices of the Weyburn project. Subsequently, development of the database has continued and its use has become widespread, with over 1000 people having registered to access the database. Most commonly, the database has been used as an audit tool to help build confidence that a systems analysis covers all relevant FEPs and to document transparently those FEPs that are not being considered. In other applications the generic FEP database has been screened to identify relevant FEPs that are then used directly to build conceptual models. As a generic resource, the Generic CO 2 FEP Database covers the range of FEPs that might be relevant to assessments, from those associated with the storage formation and cap rock to potential impacts on humans and the environment. The range of applications to date demonstrates its use in support of different scales of assessment for different components of the system. Examples include total-systems models, assessments focusing solely on potential loss of containment from the storage formation and natural analogue studies of potential impacts. Over the past five years the use of the Generic CO 2 FEP database has helped to build confidence in assessments relating to long-term geological storage. Additionally, the database represents a knowledge base relating to the potential performance and safety of storage systems. The experience gained from application of the database to date helps to inform the way in which it can be applied in future. The database continues to be developed, based on experience gained in its application. Recently references and links have been updated and a targeted review has revised descriptions and FEPs relating to the marine environment. Further targeted reviews and updates are planned. For the database to continue to structure the latest knowledge and understanding relating to geological storage, on-going feedback from its user base is sought.
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