Array-Based Expression Analysis of Mouse Liver Genes Effect of Age and of the Longevity Mutant Prop1df

Ames dwarf mice, homozygous for the df allele at the Prop1 locus, live 40% to 70% longer than nonmutant siblings and represent the first single-gene mutant that extends life span in a mammal. To gain insight into the basis for the longevity of the Ames dwarf mouse, we measured liver mRNA levels for 265 genes in a group of 11 df/df mice, (three to four mice per age group), at ages 5, 13, and 22 months, and in 13 ageand sex-matched control mice. The analysis showed seven genes where the effects of age reach p , .01 in normal mice and six others with possible age effects in dwarf mice, but none of these met Bonferroni-adjusted significance thresholds. Thirteen genes showed possible effects of the df/df genotype at p , .01. One of these, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), was statistically significant even after adjustment for multiple comparisons; and genes for two IGF-binding proteins, a cyclin, a heat shock protein, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and an inducible cytochrome P450 were among those implicated by the survey. In young control mice, half of the expressed genes showed SD s that were more than 58% of the mean, and a simulation study showed that genes with this degree of interanimal variation would often produce false-positive findings when conclusions were based on ratio calculations alone (i.e., without formal significance testing). Many genes in our data set showed apparent young-to-old or normal-todwarf ratios above 2, but the large majority of these proved to be genes where high interanimal variation could create high ratios by chance alone, and only a few of the genes with large ratios achieved p , .05. The proportion of genes showing relatively large changes between 5 and 13 months, or from 13 to 22 months of age, was not diminished by the df/df genotype, providing no support for the idea that the dwarf mutation leads to global delay or deceleration of the pace of age-dependent changes in gene expression. These survey data provide the foundation for replication studies that should provide convincing proof for ageand genotype-specific effects on gene expression and thus reveal key similarities among the growing number of mouse models of decelerated aging.
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