Crude oil supply and distribution surveyed. Automotive fuels for the 1980's

Total U.S. energy consumption was approx. 38 million bbl/day crude oil eq in 1978 and could increase by 16Vertical Bar3< by 1985. In 1978, transportation consumed 29Vertical Bar3< of U.S. energy, but electricity generation and transmission had energy losses equal to 72Vertical Bar3< of the energy consumed in transportation. Oil now meets 50Vertical Bar3< of U.S. energy demand; by 1985, oil demand will increase by 6Vertical Bar3<, from approx. 19 million to 20 million bbl/day, but oil's share of the total energy supply will drop to 46Vertical Bar3<, while coal-derived energy increases by 43Vertical Bar3<, and hydro- and nuclear-power energy also increase significantly. Gasoline engines consume 71Vertical Bar3< of the oil energy used in transportation, or approx. 20Vertical Bar3< of total U.S. energy consumption. Because of supply limitations, 1985 gasoline consumption will be approx. 6Vertical Bar3< below 1978, but highway diesel fuel demand will rise by 56Vertical Bar3<. U.S. proven and recoverable oil reserves are now 638.7 billion bbl; with a 4Vertical Bar3
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