Apparatus and method of geothemal energy conversion

A system using a number of flash chambers for converting the heat energy of geothermal brine to useful work is disclosed. The system uses steam from flashed brine to vaporize a portion of distilled water or distillate in one or more heat exchangers to produce steam to drive a turbine which, in turn, operates a generator or the like to produce useful work. Before the distillate reaches the heat exchanger, it is preheated as it flows through a series of flash chambers in countercurrent relatioship to the flow of geothermal brine therethrough. The brine flashes in each flash chamber and the flashed vapor mixes with the distillate flowing through the flash chamber to pre-heat the distillate. The heat energy of the unvaporized part of the distillate in the heat exchanger can form additional steam which is also supplied to the turbine. The heat content of the unflashed part of the distillate can be used in several ways to heat a working fluid in a closed loop containing a second turbine. The unflashed distillate can either be directed through a second heat exchanger which also receives a second working fluid so as to heat the latter, or the unflashed distillate canmore » be flashed and the flashed vapor is placed in heat exchange relationship to the working fluid. Condensate formed in the latter case can be used as fresh product water. Inorganic salts from the brine can also be derived from the system.« less
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