Treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis with a spica cast.

Thirteen patients who had seventeen slipped capital femoral epiphyses were managed with a spica cast between 1984 and 1986. The average time in the plaster cast was three months. Complications were noted in fourteen of the hips. Three pressure sores developed in two patients. Further slipping developed in three hips once the cast had been removed, and chondrolysis developed in one of these hips. Chondrolysis developed in eight additional hips, and the lesion was transient in four of them. Degenerative changes developed in all nine hips with chondrolysis, regardless of whether the chondrolysis was transient or permanent. The degenerative changes were Iowa Grade I in three of these hips, Grade II in two hips, and Grade III in four. Chondrolysis developed in six of the eight black patients and in four of the five black boys. Chondrolysis developed in six of the nine hips that had a Grade-II or III slip. These findings have led us to abandon the use of a spica cast as a mode of treatment for slipped capital femoral epiphysis.
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