Real-time compact face-shield with internet of biomedical-things

Presently we are seeing the age of digitalization and people are getting exposed to advanced informative resource with the advancement of Internet of Biomedical-Things Laudable electronic devices with biomedical instrumentation have several real-time applications in current pandemic situation Currently coronavirus-19 is posing a serious threat to human race, compelling it to fear the unforeseen circumstances A very marked rise in the number of infected cases all over the world has crippled us with fear Several researches have been conducted and numerous working devices have been made to protect people from COVID-19 In this work a compact real-time face shield has been developed using basic electronic sensor with Internet-of-Things application This device prototype has three major functions First, shield is equipped with an external wiper with alcohol based sanitizing liquid that sanitizes the shield glass after a particular time interval which can be operated manually by user also Second, IR sensor is used to detect the distance between user and other people to enforce social distancing Third, a temperature measuring system has been installed to alert users regarding abnormal body temperature of people approaching the user The suggested cost effective, compact real-time face shield will efficiently protect individuals against COVID 19 © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing All rights reserved
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