Induction of osteosarcoma and acute myeloid leukaemia in CBA/H mice by the alpha-emitting nuclides, uranium-233, plutonium-239 and amercium-241

Purpose : To compare tumour induction in CBA/H mice, principally osteosarcoma and acute myeloid leukaemia, resulting from exposure to the alpha-emitting nuclides, uranium-233, plutonium-239 and americium-241, and to relate differences between the three nuclides to the pattern of dose delivery within tissues. Materials and methods : Each nuclide was administered intraperitoneally in citrate solution to three groups of adult male CBA/H mice at levels of activity which gave estimated life-time average skeletal doses of about 0.25-0.3 Gy, 0.5-1 Gy and 1-2 Gy. Animals were carefully monitored and sacrificed as soon as they showed signs of ill health; tumours were identified by standard histopathological techniques. Results : Statistical modelling by Cox regression showed that, considering all three nuclides together, there was a highly significant increase in risk of death from osteosarcoma or myeloid leukaemia with increasing dose rate. For osteosarcoma, the effect was significantly greater for 239 Pu than 24...
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