노인성 위궤양의 임상적 고찰

The author had studied 58 cases in old age group with benign gastric ulcer diagnosed by gastrofiberscopy in Inje Medical College, Busan Paik Hospital from June 1979 to Dec. 1981 The following results were obtained; 1) The ratio of male to female in old age group with benign gastric ulcer was 3.51. The male was in 77. 6% and female was in 22.4%. 2) The main symptoms of benign gastric ulcer were epigastric pain in 53.4%, indigestion in 20.7%, epigastric discomfort and hunger pain in 15. 5% in order of freguency, but the symptomless cases were 22.4% The vague symptoms or asymptomatic cases were more frequent than cases with specific ulcer symptoms in young and adolescent aged gastric ulcer. 3) On U.G.I. Examination, the old aged gastric ulcer was interpreted as malignancy more frequent than the young and adolescent aged gastric ulcer. 4) On endoscopic examination at the time of diagnosis with old aged gastric ulcer, single ulcer was in 84.5% multiple ulcer was in 15. 5%. Single ulcer was more common in its frequency. In benign gastric ulcer, the diameter of ulcer smaller than 1 cm was in 45 7%, 1-2 cm in 21. 7%, larger than 2 cm in 32. 6%. Especially, 54, 3% of cases had relatively large lesion with diameter of above 1 cm. Among benign gastric ulcer, 43.5% of cases were observed on stomach body, 35. 8% on antrum, 17. 4% on angular portion in order of frequency. In lateral view of stomach, 60.9% of cases were located on lesser curvature of stomach. 5) Associated diseases were chronic liver disease in 32. 1%, hypertension, heart disease and diabetes mellitus in 14.3% respectively in order of frequency. Complications developed in 33 cases of benign gastric ulcer. Bleeding was in 60.6%, perforation in 33. 3% and pyloric stenosis or obstruction in 6.1% in order of frequency.
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