Smooth Muscle Cells are Derived Predominantly from Tissue Explant of Inguinal Hernia Sac

GIRIŞ ve AMAC: Processus vaginalisin (PV) kapanmasinin, testisin inisini saglamak icin gecici olarak bulunan duz kas hucrelerinin, devamliligina bagli oldugu ileri surulmustur. Bu amacla, inguinal herni keseleri, PV kapanmasi ve duz kas hucre varligi arasindaki iliskinin degerlendirilmesi icin kulture edildi. Bu calisma, sadece inguinal herni keselerinde duz kas hucresi varligini gosteren ek bilgiler vermekle kalmayip, ayni zamanda inguinal herninin cerrahi disi tedavisi icin yapilacak calismalar icin yeni fikirler sunmaktadir. YONTEM ve GERECLER: Herni keseleri, yaslari 2 ay ile 5 yas arasinda degisen 11 cocuktan inguinal herni ameliyati sirasinda elde edildi. Ornekler uygun sekilde hazirlandi ve kulture edildi. Hucrelerin morfolojik ozellikleri isik mikroskobu ile degerlendirildi. Hucrelerin hayatiyetleri, tripan blue exclusion metodu ile degerlendirildi. Gelisen hucreler, imminohistokimyasal olarak aktin ve miyozin ile boyandi. BULGULAR: Isik mikroskobu incelemesi ile bu hucrelerin ig sekilli oldugu ve santral yerlesimli yuvarlak cekirdeklerinin bulundugu gorulmustur. Tum flask ureyen hucrelerle doldugunda, kontakt inhibisyon olmadigindan, ust uste cogalan hucreler tipik tepe-vadi gorunumu olusturmustur. Hucrelerin canliligi %95’ in uzerinde bulunmustur. Gelisen hucrelerin % 80 inin duz kas aktin ve duz kas myosin antikorlari ile boyandigi saptanmistir. TARTIŞMA ve SONUC: Herni kesesi dokulardan gelisen hucrelerin buyuk cogunlugunu, duz kas hucreleri olusturmustur. Bu bulgu, PV’in inhibisyonu ile duz kas hucresi varligi arasindaki iliskiyi desteklemektedir. Bu bilgi inguinal herninin cerrahi disi tedavisi uzerinde yapilacak calismalar icin kullanilabilecektir. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Obliteration of processus vaginalis (PV) has been proposed to result from persistence of smooth muscle which is presented transiently to propel the testis. Sacs associated with inguinal hernia were cultivated to define the cells that are going to proliferate for evaluating the association of inhibition of obliteration of PV and the presence of smooth muscle (SM). The present study does not only provide additional information about the presence of SM in sacs from boys with inguinal hernia, but also provides a new tool for researches directed to define the non- operative treatment of inguinal hernia. METHODS: Hernia sacs were obtained from eleven boys with the ages ranging from two months to five years during operations for inguinal hernia. Samples were prepared and cultivated. Morphologic characteristics of cell populations were examined by light microscopy. Viability was estimated by trypan blue exclusion method. Growing cells were identified via immunohistochemical staining for smooth muscle actin and myosin. RESULTS: Light microscopic images of growing cells displayed characteristic spindle shaped morphology with centrally located round nucleus. When the flasks reached confluence, a hill-valley appearance was observed because of absence of contact inhibition. Cell viability was found more than 95%. Approximately, 80% of growing cell populations was stained positive with actins and myosin antibodies. DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: In tissue explants of hernia sac, most commonly proliferating cell type is smooth muscle cells. This evidence supports the association of inhibition of PV and the presence of SM. The SM obtained from sacs associated with inguinal hernia may be used for researches directed to establish the non-operative treatment of inguinal hernia.
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