Corneal endothelial cell loss caused by detached opacified anterior lens capsule in the anterior chamber

Abstract From 1984 to 1986, we performed cataract surgery through a 1.5 mm anterior capsule hole in 77 eyes. The hole was enlarged to 6.0 mm by a slit incision, and an intraocular lens was implanted into an almost completely intact capsular bag. Twelve (16%) eyes developed severe postoperative anterior capsule opacification. The opacified central anterior capsule, approximately 5 mm in diameter, was detached by can-opener anterior capsulotomy using a neodymium:YAG laser and fell into the inferior anterior chamber. Inferior corneal endothelial cell loss occurred in nine of the 12 eyes within 20 months after detachment; in six of the nine, inferior corneal endothelial cell density decreased 50% more than central cornea cell density. This method will be unsuitable for treating the extensive anterior capsule opacification that will occur when endocapsular cataract surgery that retains most of the lens capsule is widely performed in the future.
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