Study on the A2Π3/2u, B2Δ3/2u, and X2Π3/2g states of including its isotopologues*

Adopting the experimentally available vibrational constants in a recent analysis of the strong perturbation between the A2Π3/2u and B2Δ3/2u states of in the A–X band system [Gharaibeh et al. 2012 J. Chem. Phys. 137 194317], an unambiguous vibrational assignment of the bands reported previously is carried out. The equilibrium rotational constants Be and αe of the X2Π3/2g and A2Π3/2u states for and 35Cl37Cl+ and those of the B2Δ3/2u state for are obtained by fitting the experimental values of Bυ. In addition, the values of Be and αe of these three states for the minor isotopologues 35Cl37Cl+ and are predicted by employing the isotopic effect. The values of equilibrium internuclear distance Re of the three states for the three isotopologues are calculated as well.
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