Prevalencia del Sedentarismo Durante el Tiempo Libre en la Población de la Comunidad de Madrid. Motivos y Barreras para la Práctica de Actividad Física en el Tiempo Libre

Lifestyle is a determining factor related to the morbidity and mortality of the population. Different studies refer to the role of physical activity as a protective element against both physical and mental illnesses, and even against death. On the opposite side, physical inactivity has been related to mortality, as well as a low quality of life. However, despite the benefits of regular physical activity, there are still high percentages of the population that is inactive or does not reach the minimum recommendations established by the reference institutions. Consequently, the definition of strategies and the development of specific intervention proposals aimed at promoting physical activity among the population are, without a doubt, priority issues for public health. Physical activity can be carried out in three different areas or domains, such as work or usual occupation, transport (active trips) and/or leisure time. Of these, physical activity carried out in leisure time, understood as exercise or sport carried out independently of work, regular occupation and/or transport, is the one that usually shows positive associations with different health indicators. Therefore, a good part of the efforts to promote physical activity should be directed specifically to this area or domain. Therefore, the main objective of this Doctoral Thesis was to analyze the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle during leisure time in the population of the Community of Madrid, as well as the main motives for the practice of AFTL and the barriers that oppose it. To achieve this objective, three differentiated descriptive and cross-sectional studies were carried out on a sample of 1500 people residing in the Madrid region and aged between 15 and 74 years. For the selection of the sample, a stratified random sampling was carried out, with an allocation of the sample proportional to the structure of the population according to sex, age and geographic area of residence. To assess physical activity and, consequently, quantify levels of sedentary lifestyle during leisure time (Study 1), all participants completed the Spanish version of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. To all those who declared that they performed some type of physical activity during their leisure time, the Spanish version of the Motives for Physical Activity Measure-Revised questionnaire was administered, in order to evaluate the main reasons that led them to such practice (Study 2) . Those who indicated that they did not carry out any type of physical activity during their leisure time were administered an ad hoc questionnaire to find out the main barriers to their practice (Study 3). The results obtained showed that 75.3% of the participants performed a low level of physical activity in their leisure time, that is, they had a sedentary behavior during their leisure time. Of the remaining percentage, 12.7% carried out a moderate level of physical activity in their leisure time and 12.0% a high level. People between the ages of 35 and 64, women, married and separated people, people who did not report on their economic position (probably low) and those who lacked parental or maternal references to practice physical activity in the leisure time, were the population groups most likely to develop a sedentary behavior during their leisure time. Regarding the reasons that led to the practice of leisure time physical activity, the 5 factors analyzed in the questionnaire were ordered as follows: fitness, enjoyment, competence, social and, finally, appearance. For both women and men, the fitness/health motive was the most prominent, although in the case of women it was given an even higher importance than in that of men. The same happened with appearance, being a more relevant reason for women than for men. Regarding age, as age increased, more importance was given to the fitness-health motive, while, in the opposite direction, the importance given to the motives of competence and appearance increased as the age of the participants decreased. Regarding the barriers to the practice of leisure time physical activity, lack of time and fatigue were the most prominent. No significant differences were found in any barrier due to sex, although there were differences based on age. Thus, in the group of older participants (55-74 years), injuries, health reasons or age itself stood out as barriers to practice. In contrast, among the youngest (15-34 years), lack of time was a more prominent barrier than in other age groups. In summary, this research shows a high prevalence of sedentary lifestyle during leisure time in the Madrid region, which highlights the convenience of articulating public health policies and strategies aimed at increasing leisure time physical activity. Likewise, the identification of the reasons and barriers that favor or limit the practice of leisure time physical activity, as well as the main risk groups, is also useful for the design of said strategies to promote physical activity during leisure time, as they provide key information to develop specific intervention programs.
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