Connaissances et usages de Cola millenii K. Schum. (Malvaceae) en zones guinéenne et soudano-guinéenne au Bénin

Although a number of wild fruit trees in Benin have been studied, others, such as Cola millenii K. Schum., are still relatively undocumented. The aim of this study was to collect ethnobotanical knowledge on C. millenii among socio-cultural groups in Benin. Individual structured interviews were conducted with 1 009 people. Relative frequency of citation and the efficiency index were used to assess the relative importance of each use and the degree of effectiveness of the plant in treating given ailments. C. millenii falls into eight different use categories. Most frequently cited is use of the fruit pulp for food, and malaria is the most frequently cited ailment. Overall, the species is considered to be very effective against malaria, jaundice, stomach pains, high blood pressure, stiff joints, fatigue, fever and vertigo; fairly effective against asthma, pregnancy-related disorders and swollen feet; and not effective to treat a low sperm count. The leaves are most frequently used to treat ailments, mainly as decoctions. The Anii and Chabe use the species preferentially for food, while the Adja and Kotafon mainly use it for magical purposes, to make brushes and as construction wood. It is used most frequently for medicinal purposes by the Aizo, while the Mahi consider it to be most useful for construction. Trade is mainly in the leaves and fruit. Despite its importance, the species is under pressure in various ways and inadequately protected. Future studies need to focus on sylvicultural techniques with a view to domesticating the species.
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